Thursday, September 15, 2016

What is CODEC's ?

  • CODEC stands for coder or decoder.
  • CODEC is a algorithm or a software program for compression(reduces the number of bytes consumed by the file) and decompression (reset all the removed pixels / bits).
  • CODEC is a physical device.Which is used for the converting the analog signal / video to digital signal / video and vice-versa.

Why Do We Need CODEC's ?

  • Because audio and video files are larger in size and it will take to much time to transfer and downloading from one place to the another place. CODEC'S will helped to speed up the transfer and downloading a file with less time.

Types of CODEC's :

  • CODEC'S are classified into two types.
                1.Lossy CODEC's.
                2.Lossless CODEC'S.

   1. Lossy CODEC's :

  • Lossy CODEC'S are used to compress the file by removing the unwanted spaces and redundant data.
  • In Lossy CODEC's reduce the quality of data (Visually,audible or both) / video during the compression.
  • This will  mainly used when we transfer the files through gmail.

   2.Lossless CODEC's :

  • Lossless CODEC'S also used to compress the file.But It will not the loss clarity of data.
  • Lossless CODEC;S are used where the Quality of data is important than size of a file.
  • Every single bit or pixel of a file remains same after decompressing.

Examples :