Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Aliasing and Anti-Aliasing

Aliasing :

  • Aliasing is generation of a false (alias)  frequency along with the correct one when doing frequency sampling .
  • Ex: For images, this produces a jagged edge, or stair-step effect. For sound, it produces a buzz.

Anti-Aliasing :

  1. Anti-Aliasing means smoothing of the image  or sound roughness  caused by aliasing.
  2. Anti-Aliasing is a technique to reducing jaggies and stair-steps from signal.

Why Anti-Aliasing ?

  • Because, The output devices like Monitor or Printer doesn't have high enough resolution to represent a smooth line.

How Anti-Aliasing working ?

  • Anti-Aliasing reduces the Jaggies by surrounding the stair-steps with intermediate shades of gray on signal or aliased  image or aliased image.

Examples :