Thursday, September 15, 2016


  • Compression means process of reducing the files size.
  • Compression can remove the unnecessary data like blank spaces,white spaces,redundant data  and comments from the file by using the compression algorithm.

Compression Working Procedure :

  • In compression of a file or data it can remove the redundancy data, Unnecessary spaces and also remove the comments from the data then size of file will reduced.

  • In compressing a images it can remove the unnecessary pixels and colors. 

Applications Of Compression :

  Data Compression :

  • ZIP file.
  • RAR file.
  • Win RAR file.

  Multimedia Compression :

  • MP3.
  • MP4.
  • JPEG.

Compression Drawbacks :

Unable To Read :

  •  Compressed files are unable to read and understand by human's.
Less Quality :

  • Compressed media files are having less Quality when compared to the original files.
Processor Consumes More Time :

  • Processor consumes for doing compression and it takes more time to decompress and work on it.So,speed of  processor will decreased.
Virsus And Malware Effect :

  • When we scan the computer Anti-virus software will not scan the compressed files.Their is a chance to compressed file get virus effect easily.
Software Needed : 

  • Software is needed to install for compress and decompress the files.
Problem With Forgotten Password :

  • If you encrypt a file with password then you must need to decompress the file.If you forget a password it's impossible to open the encrypted file.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Compression :

Advantages Of Compression
Disadvantages Of Compression
Faster transmission over a network.So reduce the transmission cost. If you want to compress and decompress you must need to buy the software.So,you need to put more money.
It will take less storage space .So, no need to buy additional memory devices. But,while computer compressing and decompressing the file computer will use more memory.
Compressing a file will is more easy. When we compress the file.if you want to read the compressed file you must need same decompression technique to decompress the file.
We will provide privacy to the compressed file by putting the Password while compressing. If you forget the password unable to decompress the file.
compressed file will take the less time for transfering and downloading over network. while decompressing and reading a compressed file computer will take more time.
Lossless compression technique will provide good quality after decompressing also. Lossy compression will provide the less quality of data even after decompressing also.

Examples :