Wednesday, September 14, 2016


  • RGB means red,green and blue.It is additive model.
  • RGB color model mainly used in web / monitors and TV's. 
  • If these colors will mix then form any light colors that's why we call these three colors combination as Additive colors.

 Additive v/s Subractive :

  • Additive colors means light colors.
  • To put it simply, on a monitor, light is being  added, which is important because when you  add Red, Green, and Blue they create White (shown in the diagram above).
R+G+B = White (light)
  • Subractive means paint or ink related colors.
  • When we look at ink or paint however, light is  subtracted and when you absorb Red, Green, and Blue you get Black, as shown in the second diagram.
R-G-B = black(ink)  or  C+M+Y=K(black)


  • RGB mainly used in monitors.
  • If you're working on computer monitors like on the internet, you will be using RGB because that is how monitors (and cameras and televisions) display color. You don't have to worry at all about CMYK on the internet.
  • CMYK mainly used in printers for printing purpose.
  • CMYK is subtractive, like paint/pigment. you start with nothing (white paper) and as you add more colours it eventually turns black.

Examples :