- CAD stands for Computer Aided Design.
- CAD is a one of the image file format used by AutoCAD software.
- AutoCAD is the software design used to design the 2-D and 3-D designs.
- 2-D CAD files are referred as the drawings.
- 3-D CAD files are models,parts or assemblies.
- CAD files can be stored with different extensions.Extensions are .DWG, .DXF, .DGN, .BAK and .STL etc.
CAD File Formats :
.DWG File Format :
- DWG is the default extension for the several CAD packages like Draftsight,AutoCAD and IntelliCAD.
- DWG is the most important format for sharing file with-out giving the original file.
- DWG supports Binary format files.
- Maps,Designs,Photos will use the DWG extension.
- DWG is mostly used in CAD drawings.
.DXF File Format :
- DXF stands for Drawing Exchange Format.
- DXF supports the both ASCII and Binary format.
- DXF also known as DXB,SLD,ADF.
- DXF is used for interoperability between AutoCAD and other computer programs.
.BAK File Format :
- .BAK file is generated by autocad when we save the data.
.WMF File Format :
- WMF stands for Windows Meta File.
- WMF is an image file format originally designed for Microsoft Windows in the 1990s.
- Windows Metafiles are intended to be portable between applications and may contain both vector graphics and bitmap components. It acts in a similar manner to SVG files.
.DGN File Format :
- DGN file extension supported by the Bently Systems Microstation.
- DGN is used in architectural and engineering designs.
.STL File Format :
- STL means StereoLithography.
- STL also known as Standard Tessellation Language.
- STL mainly used for rapid prototyping and computer aided manfacturing.