Friday, September 23, 2016


  • QuickBooks is a accounting software developed by the "Intuit".
  • QuickBooks software mainly used for small oriented businesses.
  • Intuit also offers a cloud service called QuickBooks Online (QBO). 
  • If you want to work on QuickBooks software then you need to register and you need to pay. For students free version is available.
  • After signin you will get the home page like below :

Purchase Order Cycle in QuickBooks :

  • If you want to create the purchase order first you need to create the accounts for both customers and suppliers.
  • After that go to supplier account from which you want to buy the products and you will create the purchase order for that supplier.

  • Go to customer tab and create the Invoice at the customer account (Who sended or created the purchase order) .

  • After receiving the goods customer will make the payment to the supplier. 

Advantages :

  • Simple Purchase Order Cycle.
  • Simple Graphical User Interface.
  • QuickBooks software provide services to both online and desktop. 

Disadvantages :

  • Not possible to place the Pre - Purchase and Presale  Request in QuickBooks software.
  • If you want to send the Prepurchase order to multiple suppliers at a time its not possible like Stone Profit Systems software.
  • QuickBooks software does n't have more features and detailed fields.
  • QuickBooks not following proper steps to create the Purchase Order Cycle.And their is no proper instructions also.