Pre - Sales :
- Pre-sales is a process or set of activities which occur before the customer buy the product from the supplier.
- The Pre-sale process helps the customer to take the decisions for buying the products.
- Pre-sales process contains the phases like samples,hold,approval,etc.
Pre - Sales in SPS :
- SPS contains the following pre -sales phases :
- Opportunity.
- Selection sheet.
- Sample order.
- Quote / Proposal.
- Hold .
- Sales order.
- SPS pre - sales home page is like below :
1.Opportunity :
- Whenever customer visit the products that time we will mention all the details into this page.
- Customer or visitor details will stored by using the "opportunities" tab.
- Under "New Opportunity" tab Supplier will mention the all the details of customer.
- After entering the customer details into supplier system.Customer details shown like below :
2.Selection Sheet :
- In selection sheet customer will select the goods.
- The selection sheet contains the customer details and purchased items whatever required.
3.Sample Order :
- Sample products will given to customers who are not decided by seeing the products.
- Customers whoever asks for the samples of products. Those people details and sample products details will store in sample order.
4.Hold :
- Customer want to buy products but after some days or time because of the some reasons those goods will place into the hold.
- Goods are in hold until customer releases the goods.
- Supplier will not sell the holded goods to another buyer.
5.Sales Order :
- Sales will generated after selecting the goods.Based on customer situations :
- Case 1 -If customer ready to buy the goods immediately then that time only sales order will generate.
- Case 2 -If customer want to take the goods but after some time(Hold) then after releasing the goods under the hold sales order will generate.
- Case 3 -If customer want to take the decision after seeing the samples then in that case after customer approval for products, sales order will generate.