Friday, September 16, 2016

Subnet Mask

  • Subnet mask is a network function similar to the IP address. Subnet mask written in the 32-bit format.
  • Subnet mask is mainly used to identify the network address from the IP address.
  • Subnet masks are most useful in determinig the subnet / network of a given IP address by dividing the IP address into Network address and Host address.
  • Subnetting devides the host address again into subnet and host.

Applying Subnet Mask To IP address :

  • Host IP address refers to the local computer
  • Network IP address refers to the shared connection of network by the office or home groups.
  • All bits corresponding to the network IP address set to 1.
  • All bits corresponding to the host IP address set to 0.
  • For knowing the network address we will apply the Bitwise logical AND operation between IP address and subnet mask.
  • For Example : IP address 11011000.00000011.10000000.00001100 subnet mask for class c 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 network address 11011000.00000011.10000000.00000000

Subnet Mask For Classes :

Advantages Of Subnet Mask : 

  • Subnetting will separate the big network into multiple smaller networks for easy organizing and providing security.
  • Subnet mask is used to identify the number of computer accessing network.

Examples :