Saturday, September 17, 2016

Primary DNS vs Secondary DNS


  • DNS stands for Domain Name Server.
  • DNS main task is it takes the domain names and converting into IP address.

Types Of DNS :

   1.Primary DNS .
   2.Secondary DNS.

1.Primary DNS :

  • Primary DNS also called as Master server.
  • Primary DNS server creates,maintains and updates the information about its Zones.

2.Secondary DNS :

  • Secondary DNS also called as Slave.
  • Secondary DNS is referred as "Backup Domain Controller".

Difference Between Primary DNS and Secondary DNS :

Primary DNS Server
Secondary DNS Server
Primary DNS server also referred as Primary DNS Zone. Secondary DNS server also referred as Secondary DNS Zone.
The primary server will take the data from local files. The secondary server will take the data from the primary server using ISP or Host
If we want to edit the data possible.Because primary DNS supports both read and write operation. If we want to edit the data it's not possible.Because , Secondary DNS is read-only.
When any changes done to data then Primary DNS send a copy of a file to the secondary DNS. When updates happen to data in primary DNS it will take the modified file copy from the Primary DNS.
Many domains have only one Primary DNS server. Each and every domain have one or more Secondary Domains.

Advantages of Secondary DNS:

  • Reducing the burden on Primary DNS server.
  • Reducing the network traffic.
  • The Secondary DNS solves the problem.Even the primary DNS get down.

Disadvantages of Secondary DNS:

  • A network traffic will happen when Secondary DNS taking the data from the Primary DNS.