Sunday, December 4, 2016

Adding New Vendor

Step 1: Vendor means providing the services like transportation, rent house owners, mobile service providers, etc. Click on "Lists" tab, for opening the "Lists" home page.

Step 2: For adding the new vendor, click on '+' icon of the vendors tab.

Step 3: Fill all the details (must and should be fill mandatory fields). And then click on "Add Vendor" button. 

Step 4: Vendor is added to the vendors list and it redirects to the view page. If you want to edit details, then click on "Edit" icon.

Fields Explanation:

  • Basic Vendor Details:

Fields Explanation
Vendor Name
Name field is mandatory to fill.
Code field is used for the unique identification of a supplier. For this field some of those want automatic code generation, some of those want to allow the manually writing. Stone Profit System provides the both options for the clients.
Contact Name
If supplier have a company then in that company which person I'm going to contact that person name.
Print Name / DBA
DBA means "Doing Business As". Name and business is different. Whenever registering the business that time business name is define.
Parent Location
Supplier main branch location for selling the products.
Multi Location
If vendor buying the goods from multiple locations of company, then we select this checkbox.

  •  Contact Information:

Fields Explanation
Contact Information
To contact this vendor, we need his contact details.
If vendor is running any business or company then his company url will enter here.
Remit-To Address
Remit-To Address means customer will send payment to this address for delivered goods.
Suite / Unit Number
Suite is a town house, means two or three houses side by side. Unit number means one block/ one house in an apartment.
Shipping Address
From this location  supplier will send this goods to the customer
Credit Controls
If you want to allow the supplier to see his details, then create the login credentials.
GL Expense Account
Select the account, which is going to hit when the vendor need to pay to others.
Memo on Check
Memo on check means you need to write the reason for issuing the check at the bottom of the check. 

  •  Rules for Vendors:

Fields Explanation
Form 1099 rule
If you select this checkbox, then this vendor is legal vendor.
This Vendor is a Freight Carrier;
If we select this checkbox, then we need to know that this vendor is a freight carrier.
Allow Access To Supplier Login Module
If you check this, this customer will login into your website for knowing his sales related information. For login into your system you need to provide login credentials.