Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Pre-Purchase Request in Stone Profit Systems

  • In Stone Profit Systems, Purchase cycle starts from "Pre-Purchase Request". Click on '+' icon of pre-purchase request box in purchases tab to open new pre-purchase request form. 

  • In pre-purchase request form, enter all the fields (must and should be mandatory fields).  After that click on "Go To Next Step To Add Products" button. Then it will redirect to "Add product" form.

  • Search the products by entering the product name in "Name / SKU (Stock Keeping Units)" field and click on search button. 
  • It will displays the list of products, if you are entered product name is in products list. Otherwise it will displays the "Empty table" or "Not found" message.
Case: 1

Case: 2

  • Select the list of items from the displayed products list. And then click on "Save" button.

  • Stone Profit Systems provides the option to send the single pre-purchase request to multiple suppliers at a time.

  • After that wait for supplier responses. After receiving responses, compare the multiple suppliers responses, then select the supplier based on responses sended by suppliers and then create the purchase order.