Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Adding New Product

STEP: 1 - Whenever administrator want to add new product / Item to the list of items, then go to "Lists" tab and then click on '+' icon of the product catalog.

STEP: 2 - Fill all the fields (must and should be fill the mandatory fields) in new product form. Then click on "Add New Product" button.

Fields in "New Product" form : 

  • Name: Name field is used for entering the name of the product.
  • SKU (Stock Keeping Units): SKU is alpha-numeric number. Which is unique for every product / Item.
  • Kind: Is it available at supplier or not.
    • Stock: Available at supplier.  
    • Non-Stock: Not available at supplier. 
    • Custom: Product is available at supplier. But, customer want to some changes in product, then that product is called "Custom product".
    • Supplies: Supplies means tools, which is not for sale. Used in organization for doing small modifications on products.
  • Alternative Name: This field is used for storing the second name of the product. If product has different names.
  • Type / Form: We selected here type of the product. For example, types are Slabs, Tiles, Blocks, Liners etc.
  • Category: Category means "according to the quality, appearance" we classifies the products.
  • Base Colors: Available product colors selected here.
  • Origin: Origin is a location, where the products available.
  • UOM: UOM means "Units Of Measurement".
  • Selling Prices: Selling prices tab is used to mention the different prices for different locations and for different persons.
  • Default Affected Accounts: Whenever supplier entering the details about his purchasing cost, selling cost and profit / loss then those details will hit these fields.
  • Safety Stock: Safety stock means keeping the some quantity of products separately.
  • Reorder levels: Reorder levels means ordering the quantity of products based on customer requirement.
  • Lead  Time: Lead Time means time taken from ordering date to receiving date.
  • Assigned Bin: Assigned bin means assigning the some location or space to store the products.
  • Preferred Supplier: Preferred supplier means if we are buying the products from specific supplier continuously. Then that supplier is called as "Preferred Supplier".
  • Alternate Units of Measure: Alternate units of measurement will select only when the product have different measurements.
  • Is New Arrival: Means this product is new to display in website or not.

STEP: 3 - If you want to add photo to item then upload the image in image tab.

  • Stone Profit Systems provides the option for editing the product details.

STEP: 4 - It will add to products list and displayed like below :