Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Adding New Product

STEP: 1 - Whenever administrator want to add new product / Item to the list of items, then go to "Lists" tab and then click on '+' icon of the product catalog.

STEP: 2 - Fill all the fields (must and should be fill the mandatory fields) in new product form. Then click on "Add New Product" button.

Fields in "New Product" form : 

  • Name: Name field is used for entering the name of the product.
  • SKU (Stock Keeping Units): SKU is alpha-numeric number. Which is unique for every product / Item.
  • Kind: Is it available at supplier or not.
    • Stock: Available at supplier.  
    • Non-Stock: Not available at supplier. 
    • Custom: Product is available at supplier. But, customer want to some changes in product, then that product is called "Custom product".
    • Supplies: Supplies means tools, which is not for sale. Used in organization for doing small modifications on products.
  • Alternative Name: This field is used for storing the second name of the product. If product has different names.
  • Type / Form: We selected here type of the product. For example, types are Slabs, Tiles, Blocks, Liners etc.
  • Category: Category means "according to the quality, appearance" we classifies the products.
  • Base Colors: Available product colors selected here.
  • Origin: Origin is a location, where the products available.
  • UOM: UOM means "Units Of Measurement".
  • Selling Prices: Selling prices tab is used to mention the different prices for different locations and for different persons.
  • Default Affected Accounts: Whenever supplier entering the details about his purchasing cost, selling cost and profit / loss then those details will hit these fields.
  • Safety Stock: Safety stock means keeping the some quantity of products separately.
  • Reorder levels: Reorder levels means ordering the quantity of products based on customer requirement.
  • Lead  Time: Lead Time means time taken from ordering date to receiving date.
  • Assigned Bin: Assigned bin means assigning the some location or space to store the products.
  • Preferred Supplier: Preferred supplier means if we are buying the products from specific supplier continuously. Then that supplier is called as "Preferred Supplier".
  • Alternate Units of Measure: Alternate units of measurement will select only when the product have different measurements.
  • Is New Arrival: Means this product is new to display in website or not.

STEP: 3 - If you want to add photo to item then upload the image in image tab.

  • Stone Profit Systems provides the option for editing the product details.

STEP: 4 - It will add to products list and displayed like below : 

Pre-Purchase Request in Stone Profit Systems

  • In Stone Profit Systems, Purchase cycle starts from "Pre-Purchase Request". Click on '+' icon of pre-purchase request box in purchases tab to open new pre-purchase request form. 

  • In pre-purchase request form, enter all the fields (must and should be mandatory fields).  After that click on "Go To Next Step To Add Products" button. Then it will redirect to "Add product" form.

  • Search the products by entering the product name in "Name / SKU (Stock Keeping Units)" field and click on search button. 
  • It will displays the list of products, if you are entered product name is in products list. Otherwise it will displays the "Empty table" or "Not found" message.
Case: 1

Case: 2

  • Select the list of items from the displayed products list. And then click on "Save" button.

  • Stone Profit Systems provides the option to send the single pre-purchase request to multiple suppliers at a time.

  • After that wait for supplier responses. After receiving responses, compare the multiple suppliers responses, then select the supplier based on responses sended by suppliers and then create the purchase order.