Sunday, December 4, 2016

Adding New Vendor

Step 1: Vendor means providing the services like transportation, rent house owners, mobile service providers, etc. Click on "Lists" tab, for opening the "Lists" home page.

Step 2: For adding the new vendor, click on '+' icon of the vendors tab.

Step 3: Fill all the details (must and should be fill mandatory fields). And then click on "Add Vendor" button. 

Step 4: Vendor is added to the vendors list and it redirects to the view page. If you want to edit details, then click on "Edit" icon.

Fields Explanation:

  • Basic Vendor Details:

Fields Explanation
Vendor Name
Name field is mandatory to fill.
Code field is used for the unique identification of a supplier. For this field some of those want automatic code generation, some of those want to allow the manually writing. Stone Profit System provides the both options for the clients.
Contact Name
If supplier have a company then in that company which person I'm going to contact that person name.
Print Name / DBA
DBA means "Doing Business As". Name and business is different. Whenever registering the business that time business name is define.
Parent Location
Supplier main branch location for selling the products.
Multi Location
If vendor buying the goods from multiple locations of company, then we select this checkbox.

  •  Contact Information:

Fields Explanation
Contact Information
To contact this vendor, we need his contact details.
If vendor is running any business or company then his company url will enter here.
Remit-To Address
Remit-To Address means customer will send payment to this address for delivered goods.
Suite / Unit Number
Suite is a town house, means two or three houses side by side. Unit number means one block/ one house in an apartment.
Shipping Address
From this location  supplier will send this goods to the customer
Credit Controls
If you want to allow the supplier to see his details, then create the login credentials.
GL Expense Account
Select the account, which is going to hit when the vendor need to pay to others.
Memo on Check
Memo on check means you need to write the reason for issuing the check at the bottom of the check. 

  •  Rules for Vendors:

Fields Explanation
Form 1099 rule
If you select this checkbox, then this vendor is legal vendor.
This Vendor is a Freight Carrier;
If we select this checkbox, then we need to know that this vendor is a freight carrier.
Allow Access To Supplier Login Module
If you check this, this customer will login into your website for knowing his sales related information. For login into your system you need to provide login credentials.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Adding New Supplier

  • Whenever "Stone Profit Systems" company clients want to add the new supplier, then they will go to add new supplier page.
  • If you want to open the "Add New Supplier" page, then click on "Lists" tab--> Click on '+' icon of the supplier tab. Then it will redirect to the "Add New Supplier" page.

  • Fill all the fields (must and should be fill mandatory fields) then click on "Add Supplier" button.

  • And, If you want to edit the details of supplier, then click on "Edit" option given at the top-right corner. Finally, Supplier details page will shown like below:

Fields Explanation:

  • Basic Supplier Information: Here, I'm explaining only non-regular fields.

Fields Explanation
Supplier Name
Name field is mandatory to fill.
Code field is used for the unique identification of a supplier. For this field some of those want automatic code generation, some of those want to allow the manually writing. Stone Profit System provides the both options for the clients.
Contact Name
If supplier have a company then in that company which person I'm going to contact that person name.
Supplier Type
Supplier type means his occupation like designer, fabricator, custom builder, house owner, etc.
Parent Location
Supplier main branch location for selling the products.
Print Name
Print name means short name
Supplier Since
From how many years you know this supplier. Select that year.
Here, we select the port address, which is nearer to the supplier location.
Credit Limit
How much amount of money will allow this supplier for credit.

  • Supplier Contact Information: 

Fields Explanation
Contact Information
To contact this supplier, we need his contact details.
If supplier is running any business or company then his company url will enter here.
Remit-To Address
Remit-To Address means customer will send payment to this address for delivered goods.
Suite / Unit Number
Suite is a town house, means two or three houses side by side. Unit number means one block/ one house in an apartment.
Shipping Address
From this location  supplier will send this goods to the customer
Credit Controls
If you want to allow the supplier to see his details, then create the login credentials.
Allow Access To Supplier Login Module
If you check this, this customer will login into your website for knowing his sales related information. For login into your system you need to provide login credentials.

  • Supplier Accounting Information:

Fields Explanation
Tax Number
Tax number means tax identification number of a person assigned by "Internal Revenue Service(IRS)".
Payment Terms
With in how many days this customer going to pay the payment.
Shipment  Terms
Select the method, which is used to shipping the goods to customer by default.
Purchase Tax
How much tax need to pay if customer buy the goods from this supplier.
Form 1099 rule
If you check this checkbox then this supplier is a legal supplier.

Adding New Customer

When We Are Using "Add New Customer" page?

  • If client is new to our website, then he will give his full company details (customers, suppliers, vendors, associates, products, etc.) to "Stone Profit Systems" company, then "Stone Profit Systems" company will migrate the that full details at a time and give website to that customer. 
  • If client want to add the customer details into his website whenever he got new customer, then goes to "Add New Customer" page.

Procedure To Add New Customer :

STEP 1: If we want to add the new customer into then click on --> "Lists" tab --> After that click on '+' for opening the " New Customer" page.

STEP 2: Fill all the fields (must and should be fill mandatory fields). After that click on "Add Customer" button.

STEP 3: If you want to upload the image, then click on "upload image" and if you want to edit the customer details, then click on "Edit" icon shown in below figure :

STEP 4: After filling the all the fields, Customer details will shown like below :

Fields Explanation: 

  • Basic Customer Information:

Customer Name
Customer name field is used to enter the customer name.
Customer Code / ID
Customer code field is used for unique identification. It must be unique number.
Customer Type
Customer type means his occupation like designer, fabricator, custom builder, house owner, etc.
Contact Name
If customer have a company then in that company which person I'm going to contact that person name.
Parent Customer
Referred By
If this customer is referred by any other person then that person name selected from the given list.

  • Customer Contact Information:

Fields Explanation
Contact Information
Contact information contains details which is necessary to contact to the customer.
If we want to send the hardcopy from one place to the another place at that time we are using this fax number.
Accounting Email
The email id, which is provided by the company.
If customer is running any business or company then his company url will enter here.
Bill-to Address
Billing Address means in which location, customer receives the bill from supplier.
Shipping Address
Shipping Address means in which location customer want to receives the goods.
Suite / Unit Number
Suite is a town house, means two or three houses side by side. Unit number means one block/ one house in an apartment.
County means a place where all the administrative / government works will controls.

  • Location Information:

Fields Explanation
Parent Location
From which location of company branches, customer buying the products.
Multi Location
If customer buying the goods from multiple locations of company, then we select this checkbox.
Generic customer
Generic customer means that customer is not regular customer. If we select this checkbox then that customer is not a regular customer.
Route Location
Via location means customer will come to our company from which route.

  • Sales Information:

Primary Sales Person
Which employee I'm assigning to this customer, then that person will select here.
Secondary Sales Person
which employee I'm assigned to this customer, then that person name will select here. Because, this person will work for this customer incase of first sales person is absent.
Price Level
we select the price range for this customer.
Payment Terms
With in how many days this customer going to pay the payment.
Tax Exempt
Tax exempt means no need to pay the income. Non-profitable organizations are no need to pay the salary. If I select this checkbox then, I need to select the exempt reason, Exempt certificate number and exempt certificate expiry date.

  • Accounting Controls:

Fields Explanation
PO Required
If you select this checkbox for this customer, then for this customer sales order will created when this customer sending the PO.
Apply Finance Charges 
If you select this checkbox for this customer, then he need to additional charges if he didn't pay the with in the time.
Number of days in hold
Based on mentioned number here, customer selected goods will put in hold.
Customer Since
From how many years you know this customer. Select that year.
EIN Number
Employee Identification Number. Given by the IRS.

  • Credit Controls and Customer Login Details:

Fields Explanation
Credit Limit 
How much amount a lot for this customer to take a loan.
Sales Lock Details            
It will not allow the customer to create purchase order, If he need to pay more than his credit limit amount.
Allow Access To Customer Login Module
If you check this, this customer will login into your website for knowing his sales related information. For login into your system you need to provide login credentials.

  • Special Instructions and Notes:

Fields Explanation
Special Instructions
If you want to enter any instructions for this instructions regarding delivery, payments, etc., write here.
Internal Notes
Notes also same like instructions.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Adding New Service

  • If you want to add the service, then click on "+" icon of "Services" div section in "Lists Home" tab.

  • Enter the all the fields in new service page. Must and should fill mandatory fields. After that click on "Add New Service" button.

  • After that it will redirect to the service view page. If you want to upload the image then click on the "Upload image" image.

  • If you want to edit the service details, then click on edit icon.

  • If you want to see the list of services, then click on "Services" tab. In "Services" tab you will see the list of services. Stone Profit Systems provide the option to download and print the list of services also.

Fields in Add New Service Form:

Basic Service Information:

Sort Order
Sort oder field is used to display the rows in sorting order.
Here, Name field is required field, which is used for east identification purpose.
SKU (Stock Keeping Units)
SKU is used for easy identification. SKU is a unique code which is alphanumeric code.
Basic UOM
UOM means Units Of Measurement. Measurements will selected based on service.

Service Details:

Service Category
Service category means services are classified into different categories base d on service we can select the category field
Service Type
I selected service type here.
Sales/Income Account
We select the account, which is going to hit, whenever you receive the payment from customer. 
Preferred vendor
For this service, which vendor will provide the good quality and quantity. we will select that vendor.
Average cost
Services have different prices according to the locations and persons. Here, we will enter the average price of the product.
Purchasing/Expense Account
If vendor pays amount to someone while providing services, then that amount will effects to which account, that account we need to select here.
This service is taxable.
We need to select this checkbox. If service is taxable. Example, for transportation we need to pay the road tax. Then I need to select this checkbox.

Service Prices:

  • Service price will vary based on different locations and different persons.

Usage of  this service:

  • 1st checkbox: If I select this checkbox, then definitely service will show in sales orders.
  • 2nd checkbox: If I select this checkbox, then definitely service will show in customer credit memos.
  • 3rd checkbox: If I select this checkbox, then definitely service will show in purchase orders.
  • 4th checkbox: If I select this checkbox, then definitely service will show in supplier credit memos.
  • Notes: If this service want to show any details those will mention here.
  • Special Instructions: If this service have some special instructions, then write here.
  • 1st checkbox: If I select this checkbox, then definitely service will show in sales orders.
  • 2nd checkbox: If I select this checkbox, then definitely service will show in customer credit memos.